Being 33SuperWoman
Focus, if not now when? Start broad then narrow down - e.g. programming - R - functions!, form manageable tasks rather than wild unrealistic dreams.
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Learning R
Beginning at the beginning:
R inferno - nice pdf, probably helps if you are already a programmer.
apply, effectively removes the need for a double for loop.
tapply expects vectors.
This is wrong!:
mean(2, -100, -4, 3, -230, 5)
This is correct!:
mean(c(2, -100, -4, 3, -230, 5))
7:48 PM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
If using SQLForge, need to have installed (but not necessarily loaded) human.db0
plot(.., col=ifelse(foo>2, "red", "black")
1:35 PM | Filed Under | 0 Comments